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Don't be a drifter: Herbicide use workshop

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30 Aug 2011 (All day)

Are you a landholder in the ACT, or in the Googong or upper Murrumbidgee catchments, interested in learning more about herbicide application? Do you want to upgrade your chemical application skills, ensure your machinery is working correctly and your records are up to date, and gain your accreditation?

If so, this herbicide training course organised by the Southern ACT Catchment Group (SACTCG) is for you! The course is scheduled for Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 August, at Westwood Farm near Kambah. The course will be run by Craig Day from 'Spray Safe and Save'.

The workshop will consist of an advanced practical/theory session on the first day, followed by small group half day sessions on the second day, where attendees can bring along their own equipment and have their questions answered, guided by an experienced operator. Chemical user accreditation (AQF3) or reaccreditation is available if required.

Bookings are essential, and places are limited! All course costs will be covered by funding to SACTCG from ActewAGL and the ACT NRM Council.

For further information, or to book a place, contact Steve Welch:

Ph: 62 966 400

Email: info@sactcg.org.au


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