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Developments in stubble retention in cropping systems in southern Australia

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TitleDevelopments in stubble retention in cropping systems in southern Australia
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsScott BJ, Podmore CM, Burns HM, Bowden PI, McMaster CL, Nicholls C, Wolfe EC
InstitutionNSW Department of Primary Industries
Report NumberReport to GRDC on Project DAN 00170

Report to GRDC

This review updates the 2010 Graham Centre Monograph, Stubble Retention in Cropping Systems in Southern  Australia: Benefits and Challenges (Scott et al. 2010). It expands on research data and extension materials from the past few years for south-eastern Australia, including the results from GRDC funded grower groups. This update also includes some issues not referenced in the original monograph (Scott et al. 2010).


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